If you’re looking for wedding inspiration and ideas then come along to the Diva Wedding Fayres The Abbey Hotel, Great Malvern - I’ll be exhibiting so I’m available if you’d like to come and have a chat about your wedding photography requirements.

We don’t just have to talk about weddings, mind you - we can talk about anything you want – other topics up for discussion include: - The weather - Rio 2016 Olympics highlights - Great British Bake Off - The trials of owning a Land Rover Defender - Things I do which annoy my wife - The back catalogue of the Red Hot Chili Peppers 1983 - 2016 Failing that, you could just come along and look through my portfolios in silence whilst we smile awkwardly at each other. So, see you there, then?
See more about the event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/905765476203580/