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Make the most of your surroundings: Herefordshire Wedding Photos

If you’re planning your wedding and gathering ideas for wedding photography then speak to your photographer about celebrating the location and the time of year as a backdrop to some of your images – try and make the most of the season and the world around you.

Bride in bluebells

I recently photographed a wedding in beautiful north Herefordshire at the beginning of May – right in the middle of bluebell season! The week before the wedding, I was chatting to the bride-to-be on the phone to finalise the last-minute details for her Big Day and she happened to mention how beautiful the bluebells were that she’d seen whilst out walking. “Shall we try and include them in your wedding photos?” I asked. And so we did.

Bride with bouquet in bluebells

On morning of the wedding, the bride and I hopped in my trusty Land Rover and ventured into a beautiful spot of woodland near to the wedding venue where (after a quick change of footwear) we captured some gorgeous, natural shots. The sun was out, the air was warm and the woodland presented a lovely quiet moment of peace before all the excitement of the day ahead.

Bride in wellies!

Whether it’s bluebells in spring, cornfields in high summer or rusty-leafed woodland in autumn, if you can, it’s well worth trying to include your surroundings when you create the lasting images of your wedding day.

Bride in woodland


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